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Beth Green

Beth Green

We would like to recognize Beth for our first resident spotlight in 2023. In the time that we’ve shared with Beth at Riverwood she has always been a joy and a light in any room. She participates in group activities and events led by our staff and gives them a kind...
Monthly Events

Monthly Events

Shopping Trip December 5th to December 8th from 10:00 am to 11:30 am Riverwood residents will be shopping in Greater Rome’s unique shops for Christmas! These local stores are the perfect place to find Christmas gifts for loved ones and friends. Lighting of the...
Doris Crowe

Doris Crowe

Doris Isbell McDonald Crowe was born in Nettleton, Mississippi on March 29, 1940, to deaf parents. She attended Nettleton’s high school before going to Wood Junior College, Belhaven College, the University of Tennessee, and Floyd College from which she got her degree....