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Our residents worked on Valentines for each other, which was a lot of fun. Our Executive Director has started a weekly discussion group as a time for the residents to share their experiences and thoughts, and discuss anything that is on their minds. Typically they would be spending time with family; however, we are still in the midst of a pandemic. Our Executive Director felt that our residents needed to be able to engage in conversation about the situation. It has given them an opportunity to share what they are going through during this time, and opens up discussion as a way for us to help and support them even more fully. We have enjoyed themed Fridays, popcorn day, and movie days, and we have been busy looking at ways to engage through new opportunities and ideas.

We would like to welcome our new residents! We are so glad to have you!

We have also rolled out our volunteer program. This is a way families can volunteer to help out with activities, safety, and observation. If you are interested in assisting in this way, please call and speak to our Executive Director.