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10285791956_2d55d7012dWhat makes you laugh? Watching a Jerry Lewis comedy? The giggling of a grandchild? A funny story told by a friend? Whatever sparks a smile on your face, it could be just what the doctor orders!

More than simply an emotional state of happiness, the act of laughter has scientifically proven positive impacts on the human body. From increased blood flow to the heart to the generation of infection-fighting antibodies, humor causes a variety of good effects on the body.

Hosting a game night or going bowling with friends can not only add joy and zest for life. It might also help with cardiovascular problems and fight aches and pains caused by physical tension. When we laugh, our muscles relax, allowing a more restful sleep that allows the body to better heal. Having fun boosts our immune system, plus we feel a stronger connection to others, reducing feelings of loneliness.

Laughter heals hurt feelings and unites people during difficult times. Humor shifts how we see the world, placing situations in a less threatening, more realistic light. It’s much easier to keep an optimistic outlook on life with a sense of humor than by bemoaning challenging circumstances.

Being silly with a friend or goofing around with children can ease anxiety and fear, relieve stress, improve mood and focus, and enhance the body’s resilience.

Riverwood Retirement Community is intended to be a place where residents can enjoy a fun lifestyle with new friends and relax while our staff cares for them. We hope that everyone remembers that smiles are contagious and laughter is healing.