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seniorfitness2Riverwood Retirement Home offers a variety of daily activities including exercise and fitness programs because the benefits of staying in motion are well established.

Studies have shown that regular exercise improves blood pressure and decreases the risk of heart disease while also slowing the loss of bone density. Additionally, the enhanced balance seniors get from working out decreases their chance of falling. A little effort can lower the risk of a leading cause of injury.

The goals of exercising are improving endurance, strengthening muscles, improving balance and increasing flexibility so the body stays limber.

Aside from the fitness programs at Riverwood, anyone can incorporate some simple changes in their daily routine to fit in exercise. For example, take advantage of Riverwood’s day trips and other events in Rome to walk as much as you comfortably can. Recruit friends and family for walks at a comfortable pace and distance. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Stand up often rather than sitting most of the time and stretch in your chair to improve flexibility.

Of course, you need to know your limitations and always want to talk to your doctor before starting any fitness regimen. Exercise is counterproductive if it harms rather than helps.

Talk to us at Riverwood Senior Living about initiatives to help keep seniors healthy and active.